
Gas Mileage Calculator with Fuel Cost

Use our Gas Mileage Calculator to calculate your gas mileage per gallon, as well as your fuel cost per mile.

  1. Enter either your starting mileage and ending mileage, or zero as starting mileage and your total miles traveled.
  2. Enter either your gallons used, or your total fuel cost and cost per gallon.
  3. Press the 'Calculate Gas Mileage' button to perform the calculations.

Gas Mileage Calculator

Starting Mileage (or zero):
Ending Mileage (or total miles):
Gallons Used (if 'total fuel cost' and
'price per gallon' below are not known):
Total Fuel Cost (if gallons used above is not known):
Price per Gallon (optional):
Calculate Gas Mileage:

Results will appear here.